Ciro Continisio

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Control Room

6-player mini game mayhem

Ludum Dare 34




Control Room is a game… I forgot I had made. I had no recollection it existed until I found these images. It was sitting on my hard drive somewhere, and it looks like I made it for Ludum Dare 34, whose theme was “Two-button controls”.

Apparently, it’s a 6-player game where mini-games are played from a simplified control room. Every mini-game can be played with the use of just two mega buttons that are sitting in the titular control room, and players can press them by jumping and body-slamming on them. However, body slamming and pushing can also be used to push the players out of the platform. Co-operation or fight? You decide!

I found these gifs which I think explain the game pretty well:

Looking back, it’s a pretty fun concept! I always loved this idea of “reducing” the gameplay of popular games into less actions, it creates a good challenge of game design where the designer has to ask themselves: “… ok but what is Game X really about?”.

Maybe it could be improved if the players were divided into teams.

A couple more stills from the finished game:

All works and words on this website by Ciro Continisio, except otherwise specified.